![Missionary Church Assn In Ja Missionary Church Assn In Ja](https://3d51583e.delivery.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/themes/fiwibusiness/img/default-logo.jpg)
Missionary Church Assn In Ja
Address: Head Ofc 9 West Av Kingston 8 Jamaica
Website: www.mcaj.org/
Churches in Jamaica contact number and location
The MCA maintains its focus and commitment to do ministry in a manner that is both effective and efficient. The commitment to DISCIPLESHIP continues. The leadership of the Denomination is determined to make the MCA a “Disciple-making church” – by its policies as well as its practice.
We recognize that to change the culture of the Denomination – which is what becoming disciple-makers would involve, is no easy task. But if we are to be the people of God for this time, we must go forward. I am pleased and encouraged to note that the Leadership of the MCA is unified as to “WHAT” we need to do. A bit more challenging, is the “HOW”. None of us claim to have all the answers but there is a spirit of willingness to seek the Lord together and also to seek consensus. Our vision is for a dynamic, growing church – Spiritually, Structurally and Numerically. A church which establishes the Kingdom of God, and transforms the context where it exists, in all its facets, for the glory of God.
We will embrace the Holy Scriptures as the source of inspired authority for faith, life and ministry.
We will embrace the Holy Scriptures as the source of inspired authority for faith, life and ministry.
We will reach the lost and disciple the saints in any context.
We will focus on building God’s kingdom as we fulfill our vision, mission and calling.
We will love the Lord passionately and serve humankind fervently.
We will build healthy local churches by equipping and empowering believers for ministry.
We will conduct all our affairs with probity and Godly fear, endeavouring always to uphold the unchangeable principles of God’s Word and the laws of the land.
The vision of MCA will be achieved through a set of eight groups of objectives broken down into functional areas of the organization. Some of the objectives will be driven directly by the General Board while others will be delegated to the Districts and ultimately to the local congregations.
Mission Statement:
The Missionary Church Association in Jamaica exists to glorify God by reaching the lost through world evangelization, bringing believers to Christian maturity, and equipping them for service and fellowship in Christ’s Church.