
Located in Lacovia, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica Zoo is an exciting, fun, adventurous and educational facility. The Zoo consist of 25 different animals and various species of plants. It also has a petting area where visitors can take photographs with the animals. Their highly trained tour guide will escort you around the property.

Here, at Jamaica Zoo, we have approximately 25 different
animals including birds. Some of our animals include Lions
(born in Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth), Llama, Zebras,
Monkeys, Crocodiles, Toucans just to name a few.  We also
have a petting area, in which our visitors have the option
to take pictures with our pets, such as “Peter” a
Ball Python Snake and Lizzy, which is a baby green Iguana,

not to mention our pet crocodile “Sof” and a few more.
We also have beautifully landscaped lawns, where our
visitors can spread a blanket, relax and have a picnic.
Visitors at Jamaica Zoo can also enjoy our tasty meals
from our restaurant or snack  on hot dogs, popcorns, or
even have cold treats such as ice creams and/or popsicles.
For the children, apart from the tour, we have a play area
which consists of swings, slides, see-saws and spring
toys.  We also offer donkey rides.

Jamaica Zoo can be a place for fun and relaxation or as an
educational facility.  One can learn about the plants and
the different animals by one of our well trained tour
guides who will gladly escort you around the property.