> Millennium Connections Clothing & Accessories Boutique - Grenada
Millennium Connections Clothing & Accessories Boutique

Millennium Connections Clothing & Accessories Boutique

Address: Petite Martinique


Opening Hours
Monday -Saturday8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m


Elegantly Furnished/ Air Conditioned & Direct T.V. in Rooms
Visa Or Master Card Accepted
History here in the Caribbean would always start with the Caribs and Arawaks, Who migrated from island to island leaving behind drawings and artifacts, showing living proof of their trail. Our history is not based on them though, so let us skip a few years and move on to the real story.In the early 1700’s, a Frenchman called Mr. Pierre, left his home island of Martinique in search for new fertile lands to plant his crops. It was said, “at the time Mr. Pierre left his home, Martinique was suffering under an Ant infestation, which delivered a heavy blow to the sugarcane fields”. When he came to Petite Martinique, there was no one living on it, so he settled on the little rock and made it his home. He eventually married a mulatto lady from Carriacou.