> Courts Grenada - Grenada
Courts Grenada

Courts Grenada

Address: Young St St Geo

Website: www.shopcourts.com

Computer Dealers

Opening Hours
Monday -Thursday8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m


Courts opened its doors to the Grenadian public in the town of St. George in September 1987. Its first Managing Director was Daryl Askell following his term came Nicholas Elphick, Keith Coltart then Keith Slater who was subsequently transferred to Belize in 1994.uring these Managing Director’s tenure Courts opened four (4) more stores in Grenville, Gouyave, Sauteurs and Victoria respectively. Geoff Claxton took over the reigns in the same year in 1994 with Nick Mison as Sales Director, two years later the branches were closed with the exception of the Grenville Branch. In 2000 Courts opened the Grand Anse and Carriacou Branches. Grand Anse is still operational
today with extended opening hours, but Carriacou was closed in 2003 although we still maintain a presence today with the assistance of 12 support staff, consisting of Sales Agents, Technicians and Delivery Personnel.On 11th July, 2002 the St. George’s Branch suffered a devastating fire, Nick Mison had recently been transferred to Barbados and Errol Le Blanc had taken over as Managing Director.The fire gutted the entire building but true to form on 12th July all the team had gathered to look at re-organising and setting in a temporary alternative location, and within 21days the branch had been relocated successfully.It was with great joy that on the 8th July 2003 the new premises was had its grand opening and was ready to begin trading.Currently Courts Grenada has a senior management team made up of the managing Director, Financial Director and the following executives, Purchasing, Human resources, Sales and Logistics.As a high profile company we are totally committed to satisfying our customers beyond the expectation, developing our staff and an adequate return on our investment, in this way we can strive to fulfill our mission statement “Adding value to peoples lives everyday”