The Water Project Jamaica

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Why Water Adaptation?

Climate change will manifest as water management problems – Climate is Water! Therefore, we must adjust the way we do things to minimize negative impacts related to droughts, inconsistent water supply as well as floods. We must adapt!

Water Adaptation is, therefore, being encouraged to address the ongoing water management issues related to climate change.  This continues to be the most serious threat to sustainable development facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In the case of Jamaica, drought and shifting patterns of rainfall will increase the serious challenges already impacting the country’s water supply and distribution system.

More broadly, Caribbean territories are particularly vulnerable to the many hazards associated with climate change.  This vulnerability is a key reason for countries such as Jamaica to better adapt to the changing atmospheric conditions.

  • Water problems in the form of floods, cyclones, heat waves and droughts.
  • Long dry periods and short episodes of torrential rainfall
  • Dry spells which impact the water supply systems and periods of heavy rainfall which pollute water resources and causes severe damage to infrastructure, including energy facilities, which play a critical role in the supply of water.
  • Sea level rise will result in salt water being introduced  into  groundwater resources
  • Reduction of freshwater available for potable water supply.
  • In order to respond to the impending water crisis related to times of limited water supply, we must adapt!

This climate adaptation approach must also involve the practice of water use efficiency and conservation.  Together, these will reduce the demand for water so that it is in line with supply. The Water Project, therefore, seeks to improve the water use efficiency by Jamaican households and to increase climate-resilient housing on the island.


The Water Project was designed to address water management issues related to climate change, which is the most serious threat to sustainable development facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS).  In the case of Jamaica, drought and shifting patterns of rainfall will exacerbate serious challenges already impacting the country’s water supply and distribution system such as capital and operational budgetary constraints, aging assets, population growth, urbanization and environmental degradation.  There is also the problem of inconsistent water supply negatively impacting local communities as well as the business models of housing developers and construction companies.  In addition, limited financing and an uncertain business case for water adaptation are barriers to the uptake of water efficient measures by the housing development sector.

The Jamaica National water adaptation project therefore aims to tackle the issue through provision of an impactful, scalable model for greater efficiency in Jamaica.  In particular, the project aims to enhance Jamaica’s climate resilience through the use of water adaptation technology in the country’s housing sector.  The project zooms in on the important role that householders and developers should play to improve efficient water use in the housing sector and will work with project beneficiaries under 3 main banners- Efficient. Resilient. Secure: