
Lifespan Company Limited is a privately held company located in Portland, Jamaica and engaged in the manufacturing of Bottled Spring Water. Lifespan has been in existence since 2005. Lifespan is registered with the Jamaica Bureau of Standards. Lifespan Spring Water is Alkaline with a pH of 7.9. Lifespan Spring Water is one of the healthiest bottled water. Lifespan continues to utilize advance quality control methods to ensure a superior product in the market place.

Our vision is to become the leading supplier of Quality Bottled Spring Water in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Lifespan Company Limited is committed to being the supplier of a superior and health enhancing product of the highest quality for all its customers through quality controls in production, while providing excellent customer service, enhancing its harmony with nature and the environment, and providing value to its employees, shareholders, and contractors.

Lifespan is registered with the Jamaica Bureau of Standards; Lifespan Spring Water is alkaline with a pH of 7.9.; Utilizes advance quality control methods to ensure a superior product in the market place.

Spring Water
Spring Bottle Water