Knight Trading Company

Or : 876-754-1706

Fax : 876-906-0996

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Welcome to the Knight Trading Company
where you can find high-quality hospital equipment and disposable medical supplies in Jamaica!

Running a hospital is probably one of the toughest things to do if you are a businessman. You have to look after the health and welfare of your patients, ensure that they will have a high chance of getting well once they pass through the entrance to your hospital or medical center, and see one of your doctors. To do that, you need to make sure that the medical supplies or anything else in the hospital will not contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, which is why it is safer to use disposable medical supplies and impose a careful sanitation process for all the instruments and equipment used on your patients.

I saw that urgent need among the hospitals and medical centers in Jamaica, which led to my founding of the Knight Trading Company 20 years ago. But before we started selling disposable medical supplies and medical equipment, we started with rubber gloves. The idea materialized when I met someone in Florida who had done business in Jamaica before. He was in sales and he helped me get started in selling rubber gloves until it grew and grew into the Knight Trading Company now that sells a full range of medical supplies and medical instruments. We have disposables such as needles, syringes, gloves, and gauze, wheelchairs, medical instruments, and hospital beds.