Island Grill

In Kingston Area:
Cross Roads(876) 754-3794 or 428-5493
Manor Park925-1469 • 467-2172
New Kingston926-3826 • 472-9338
Norman Manley International Airport924-8818/8821 • 874-4929
Ocean Blvd. Downtown 468-5361
Portmore Pines 740-5365 • 874-4891
Red Hills Road925-6447 • 448-5409
Sovereign 978-3535 • 874-2836
Washington Blvd.934-1984 or 874-3809
Twin Gates 926-2807 or 874-3824
In Manchester Area:
Midway Mall, 17 Caledonia Road, Mandeville961-3153 • 467-1633
In Montego Bay Area:
Catherine Hall979-0079 • 408-6817
Centrepoint952-3238 • 971-8451 • 406-9870
Donald Sangster International Airport971-2938 • 874-4828
In Ocho Rios:
Little Pub974-3160 • 974-4061 • 974-0246 • 874-3743


What is Jerk?
It mek the island sun hotta,
The music madda,
Lymin at the beach nice-ah!
Jerk cooking is the soul of Caribbean food – hot, spicy and full of life.
Centuries ago (mi talkin’ pirate time), Jerk cooking was born in the lush tropical hills of Jamaica. Runaway slaves called the Maroons, used native spices like thyme, pimento berries (all spice), escallion and fiery hot scotch bonnet pepper, to season meats that were slowly roasted over pimento wood to create this deliciously spicy dish. It is from this proud tradition that Jerk cooking was born. Big up the Maroons!
At Island Grill, we use our own unique combination of these very same spices on our chicken, pork and fish to create an authentic jerk taste. But wait – mi bredrin, can’t stand the heat? Island Grill serves up other island dishes that give you the big taste of the Caribbean. Our own special BBQ, rice and peas, curries and stews have all the goodness that makes island cooking delicious and exciting.
Our passion at Island Grill is to take the amazing tastes and flavors from our Caribbean homes to create new exciting dishes, and serve them with warm island hospitality. We take pride in our rich culinary heritage, and wish to share all the best of the Caribbean with the rest of the world. And trust mi sistrin and bredrin, dis ain’t fast food, a dis a island style food – cooked slowly and served quickly.
One love.