242 Jobs

242 Jobs

Address: 138 Robinson Rd, 2nd Floor New Providence, Bahamas

Email: info@242jobs.com

Employment Agencies contact and location in Bahamas

or1 (242) 422-JOBS (5627)


As the Bahamas #1 Job Site, with thousands of unique visitors every month from the Bahamas, 242 Jobs has become the catalyst for putting the Bahamas to work. Here at 242 Jobs we are intensely passionate about delivering the right fit for every hire. We help companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offer the best opportunity for job seekers to get hired in the Islands of The Bahamas.  242Jobs.com is a job search website that is designed to provide job seekers with employment listings in the Islands of The Bahamas. The site is effective in matching educated, skilled, responsible workers with employers in need of job assistance. With the growing rate of unemployment, Bahamians find great difficulty in finding jobs. 242Jobs.com is the solution and is the centralize location where job seekers can find job openings in the various Islands of the Bahamas. The website is absolutely FREEto job seekers to apply for jobs

Mission Statement:

242Jobs.com seeks to provide a concise and reliable site for employers and job seekers to connect. At 242Jobs.com we don’t view ourselves as being just a job search site. We are in the business of helping job seekers find great career opportunities and employers to find a diverse group of qualified candidates to make successful hiring decisions in The Bahamas. We seek to provide a much neededresource to allow easy process to search for jobs in the Islands of the Bahamas, while at the same time reducing the country unemployment rates.