> Royal St Kitts Hotel - St Kitts and Nevis

Royal St Kitts Hotel

Address: Box 406 Frigate Bay Bas STK

Email: reservations@royalstkittshotel.com

Website: www.royalstkittshotel.com

Hotels & Resorts

Facsimile Front Desk 869-466-3509
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


The Royal St. Kitts Hotel, a family-run business, formally known as Jack Tar Village, was the first major hotel on the island of St. Kitts and has been in business since 1983. Nestled between the southeast peninsula and beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the hotel is located in Frigate Bay, which is the tourism heart of St. Kitts.

With the Royal St. Kitts Hotel is only being a 10 minute drive from the St. Kitts capital city, Basseterre, and a 7 minute drive from the airport, the hotel is ideally located with easy accessibility.