Chaos end classes early at Oberlin High School

Classes were dismissed early Wednesday at Oberlin High in St Andrew over an incident which involved students reportedly falling to the ground, screaming after a religious exercise.

Member of Parliament for St Andrew West Rural Juliet Cuthbert Flynn said she was in the Lawrence Tavern area and visited the school after getting reports from students she saw heading home.

“They told me …that somebody at devotion, a teacher, was preaching or praying; she caught into the spirit, speaking in tongues and then the children start to drop down and frothing at the mouth, some of them can’t walk,” she told The Gleaner.

On her arrival at the school, Cuthbert Flynn said she saw students on the ground.

“There were persons praying for them and rubbing them with oil …some of the parents came and got their children,” the MP said. “I don’t know what to name this incident.”