Coral Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Coral Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Address: #20 Logwood Road Bahamas

Medical Supplies contact and location in Bahamas

FAX 242-352-6363


Coral Pharmaceuticals, Ltd received its operation license on the first day of September, 1991.
(1) Manufacture generic drug products both prescription and non-prescription.
(2) Contract manufacturing and packaging.
(3) Repacking and distribution of drug products and medical supplies.
(4) Fill prescriptions internationally.

We celebrated our 15th Anniversary on September 1st, 2006. For the past 15 years Coral’s annual sales has been between 2 million to 2.5 million. Coral has two facilities: We rent a six thousand square feet office/manufacturing plant in Freeport and own a five thousand square feet office/warehouse in Nassau.
(1)Pharmacture generic drug products both prescription and non-prescription.
(2) Contract manufacturing and packaging.
(3) Repacking and distribution of drug products and medical supplies..